Judi Sheppard Missett’s Jazzersize

by The Editors on June 21, 2009

MissettCarlsbadistan’s grand dame of Jazzercise Judi Sheppard Missett is interviewed in today’s The Desert Sun regarding her company’s 40th Anniversary and how it all got started. And it looks like business is going well.

It goes back to 1969, and my belief that dance can bring you health and joy, physically and mentally. What motivated me was an experience I had while teaching a class in Evanston between performances as a professional dancer. Some people stayed for two or three classes, and when I asked them why, they’d say, ‘Judi, I’m not here to be a professional dancer. We just want to have the body of a professional dancer.’ . . . Jazzercise Inc., an exercise phenomenon that grew from a one-woman class to a venture with more than 7,500 franchise locations that posted $93 million in systemwide sales in 2007-08.

Not bad at all. For the rest of the interview click the link.

[Link: The Desert Sun]

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