Carlsbad Street Faire Photos

by The Editors on November 1, 2009

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We could not have asked for a more perfect fall day for a street faire in Carlsbadistan. With the time change everyone was up early. The sun was out. The streets were littered with smashed pumpkins. And the Chargers are going to destroy the Raiders. Could we ask for anything better?

The faire seemed bigger, better, and more well attended. We’ve been rough on the faire in years past, but today we found some pretty amazing gifts, including the custom, retro, hot rod kids clothes from Whiskey Doll Couture (pictured above).

Follow the link to take a photo cruise through Carlsbad’s 35th Annual Street Faire. Click the thumbnails for the images browser and then click on through.

[Link: Carlsbad Street Faire Photos]

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