The Crossing’s Future

by The Editors on August 9, 2007

1 01 408 7 07ASure Carlsbad has been waiting for a municipal golf course for 17 years, and yes, there is a lot of excitement: the two days of locals only golf scheduled for this weekend sold out in 20 minutes. The question the North County Times is asking is: then what? What happens after the honeymoon is over and The Crossings-at-Carlsbad is just one more Southern California golf course?

“Just because a new course opens up doesn’t mean that 35,000 more rounds (a year) are being played,” said John McNair, vice president of operations for JC Golf, which manages nine courses in San Diego and Temecula, including The Crossings’ neighbor, Encinitas Ranch, and inland courses such as Twin Oaks in San Marcos, the Rancho Bernardo Inn and the par-3 Reidy Creek in Escondido. “The Crossings is going to take a chunk from everyone.”

In an industry that’s currently not growing it will be interesting for everyone. Maybe this will force a price war at local courses. Then we all win.

[Link: North County Times]

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