The Crossings Face Off

by The Editors on August 19, 2007


In classic old-school point-counter-point fashion the North County Times has paired two people up to answer the burning question: Is Carlsbad’s $68 million golf course a good investment? The pair is made up of sports editor Loren Nelson and staff writer Marc Figueroa. Would you believe the sports editor is in favor of the course? It is Figueroa, however, who makes the best point in the entire debate:

So when the city of Carlsbad trotted out its shiny, new $68 million track earlier this month, I couldn’t help but scratch my head. Why invest that much money in something that only a small percentage of people are going to use?

We agree. Let us know what you think: click the link below to post a comment.

[Link: North County TImes]

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