Motorhomeless On The Seawall

by The Editors on October 5, 2010


Those “no vehicles over seven feet tall” restrictions would come in very handy on a day like today at the Carlsbadistan seawall. . And we thought that Vons shopping cart was an eyesore.

Wonder if this rig has anything to do with this story from the New York Times.

Glenn Bernard October 6, 2010 at 10:24 am

Without challenging the wisdom or ethics of the law mentioned above (7 feet of height limit for movable vehicles)…..let’s ask about the absence of height restrictions for the thousands of non-native trees that are blocking valuable, taxable ocean views. If you visit City Hall’s website today, October 6, you can view their video whereby they acknowledge that City Hall has planted “more than 20,000 non-native trees at Taxpayer expense throughout the City, more than half of which are on private property (via their “ten-feet of right-of-way” over every parcel). You won’t find any portion of “Forest Carlsbad”, not one tree, at the southern end of Garfield Street, home of the Matt Hall condo where he serves as HOA president.

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