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Carlsbadistanian Wins Ultimate Boarder 2008

by The Editors on April 20, 2008

AstorgaWhile we may not be so sure about “The Triathlon of a New Generation” a.k.a. the Ultimate Boarder 2008, (contest in which athletes compete in snowboarding, surfing, and skateboarding with combined scoring), we are absolutely sure that the right guy won.

Carlsbadistan’s Aaron Astorga (you may have seen him driving around town in the Hurley sprinter van) edged out pro snowboarder and ESPN commentator Todd Richards and rolled away with a check for $30,000.

It was an amazing event and everyone had a great time” said Ultimate Boarder champion, Aaron Astorga. “The contest organizers did an unbelievable job of bringing all of the surfers, skaters and snowboarders together and I know a lot of us are already looking forward to next year’s contest.”

Aaron, thanks for showing the world that Carlsbadistan remains action sports central. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

Follow the jump for all the details.

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