Aptera Refunding Buyer Deposits

by The Editors on August 24, 2011

Aptera-2E-Aa-300X191Carlsbadistan’s electric car start-up Aptera is apparently experiencing some difficult times and is now reportedly in the process of refunding all customer deposits taken for it’s high-mileage small car, according to a post on Triple Pundit.

Unfortunately, the company has experienced numerous setbacks, and the production dates have repeatedly been pushed back. Although originally scheduled to be delivered in late 2008, production deadlines have been missed and moved back as design changes continued to mount and funds dwindled. In 2010, Aptera was denied $184 million, in U.S. Department of Energy loans. The company re-applied for the DOE loans under a revised bill, but those monies have yet to be awarded.

Looks like another bummer for one of Carlsbadistan’s once brightest start-ups. Click here for a complete listing of our past coverage of Aptera.

[Link: Triple Pundit]

Peter August 24, 2011 at 4:49 pm

The incessant editor in me must point out the “high-milage” typo. Don’t worry, I even correct spelling (when necessary) on bathroom walls.

your faithful reader,


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