Stop Industrial Expansion On Our Lagoon

by The Editors on November 30, 2011


The California Energy Commission is giving several of Carlsbad residents concerns regarding the expansion of the NRG Power Station another look and you can help make the difference.

An Evidentiary Hearing will be held in Carlsbad on Monday, December 12, 2011 to hear additional testimony on six topics. Of primary concern to local residents is discussion of whether the new proposed power plant violates Carlsbad land use rules and NRG’s reneging on their agreement to tear down the aging Encina Power Station.

The hearing begins at 8:30 AM and public comment starts at 5:30 PM December 12, 2011 at the Hilton Garden Inn located at 6450 Carlsbad Blvd. Follow the jump for more details.

Dear Concerned Citizen,

Thanks to the involvement of thousands of community members like you, the California Energy Commission is taking a second look at several important concerns about the proposed power plant on Carlsbad’s coastline.

An Evidentiary Hearing will be held in Carlsbad on Monday, December 12, 2011 to hear additional testimony on six topics. Of primary concern to local residents is discussion of whether the new proposed power plant violates Carlsbad land use rules and NRG’s reneging on their agreement to tear down the aging Encina Power Station.

The Energy Commission will be taking public testimony at 5:30 p.m. We encourage you to attend and express your concerns about the proposed power plant. As we have already seen, your participation makes a difference. Coastal North County does not need or want 2nd power plant on the beach! Make sure the Energy Commission hears you loud and clear!

Energy Commission Hearing on the 2nd Carlsbad Power Plant

Monday, December 12, 2011

8:30 a.m. –

Public Comment starts at 5:30 p.m.

Hilton Garden Inn
6450 Carlsbad Blvd
Carlsbad, CA

Philip Grice December 1, 2011 at 7:00 pm

The illustration you are using to headline this article is a gross distortion. I know. I’m a trained illustrator and am very familiar with perspective construction. Your illustration makes the new exhaust towers look far bigger than they will be and the existing chimney look far shorter than it is!

I live in a home with a beautiful view of the lagoon and existing power plant. I’ve done so for over 20 years. I don’t object to the construction of the new power plant at all. In fact I dread what our uninspired council will try to foist on us in place of the old plant when it eventually is removed.

The Sea Wall that was constructed purely to keep sand off the strand blocks the natural view of the beach and is decorated(!) with what can only be Fish and Chips! Remember “The Bars”. Only nitwits would hire a New York artist to design a beach monstrosity like that when we’ve many capable local artists that have some affinity for the sand and surf we enjoy.

How about Buddy Lewis last erection, the so called Public Golf Course that is draining community funds now and will do so forever! That land would have been far better used as a natural parkland where everyone could enjoy the terrain and views. Not as more ball grounds, tennis courts, sports facilities and such but open space with grass and native vegetation where people could just walk, picnic and enjoy our beautiful climate.

I’ll stay with the utility company thank you. I’m confident any plant they build will be better for us and most likely better looking than anything our city council can come up with. Are you listening Matt Hall?

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