More Flights at McClellan-Palomar Airport?

by The Editors on September 11, 2007

14087244 240X180According to Carlsbad’s McClellan-Palomar Airport, which is already “one of the busiest small airports, could soon have more traffic.” Consultants have apparently suggested that due to North County’s growth it might not be a bad idea to begin looking into direct service to Denver, Houston, and other cities.

Carlsbad resident Dwight Webster said he’s read the reports. He said the plan calls for “potentially increasing the flights from 16 daily right now, to somewhere between say, 30 and 40, based on projections in that review.” . . . He and other residents said that means more noise over their homes and more risks of accidents or emergency landings.

Sure, there a many homes being built in a around the airport (Bressi Ranch) but what about the safety of Carlsbad’s golfers?

[Link: NBCSandiego]

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