Cori Schumacher Announces City Council Bid

by The Editors on March 7, 2016


Cori Schumacher worked tirelessly to help defeat Measure A and now has announced that she would like to continue her involvement in the future of the city of Carlsbad, California by running for a spot on the Carlsbad City Council. She announced her intentions March 6, 2016 and wrote about it here on Facebook:

Yesterday, at a gathering of folks celebrating the monumental and historic achievement of the defeat of Measure A, I announced my intention to run for City Council this November. The possibility of pursuing a proactive role working hard for social and environmental justice and the common good in Carlsbad intimately aligns with the core of who I am and is a natural extension of the nearly 16 years I have spent as a social and environmental justice activist. I want to work for this community in the most efficacious and substantive way that I am able.

For the official word from Cori, please click here or follow the jump for the rest of her announcement.

These past several months have been such an eye-opening experience for me here in Carlsbad. Measure A, and everything surrounding it, has proven to be a catalyst of the most profound kind. The Special Election deciding the fate of Measure A made history as the largest of its kind in San Diego County.

More than this, it created an atmosphere that we responded to by abandoning our routines and delving into conversation with each other, which ultimately led to a deeply collaborative and creative effort that crossed party affiliations, generational gaps, and other ideological boundaries.

We became a unified force that fundamentally turned the status quo on its head. We have proven that community is the strongest and most fundamental building block of democracy.

During this experience, I found my role as an activist challenged in ways that have pushed me to the point where I have questioned the constant state of reaction of such a role. As an activist, I can only respond to the decisions handed down by those in power, and while this is a necessary role, I spent many a night wondering if there was more I could do personally to support the spirit of what this community has created, moving forward.

A dear friend recently put it this way: you can either be one of those trampling the grass outside of the policy-making institutions, or you can step inside and take part in the process itself.

Major decisions are being made for our community of highly intelligent, motivated, innovative, and diverse individuals without meaningful input from us. There are many, including myself, that feel that our City Council is not responsive to the residents of Carlsbad, nor is the full potential of our diverse community being tapped.

Yesterday, at a gathering of folks celebrating the monumental and historic achievement of the defeat of Measure A, I announced my intention to run for City Council this November. The possibility of pursuing a proactive role working hard for social and environmental justice and the common good in Carlsbad intimately aligns with the core of who I am and is a natural extension of the nearly 16 years I have spent as a social and environmental justice activist. I want to work for this community in the most efficacious and substantive way that I am able.

For now, I have created this Facebook page in order to keep folks informed about key items connected to Carlsbad and my campaign. Also, I’m sure folks will want to know more about who I am, what values I hold, and easy access if there are any questions.
Rather than blast out a pre-formed vision statement and platform right at this moment, I strongly believe that my first priority needs to be doing a lot of listening. I have ideas and views based on my experiences and research during Measure A, but I feel strongly that the best advocate for our community right now is one that deeply listens.

I am looking forward to chatting with folks during the coming months and will provide more concrete items, ideas, and pragmatic solutions we can engage with and discuss as this campaign gets further along.

With Kindest Regards and an Eye to Our Future,

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