Retired Navy vet Jim Strickland told The San Diego Union Tribune that he likes the Carlsbad Stack and he thinks we should keep it. We totally agree (not only because its part of our logo).
“I like it, and I think it’s crazy to get rid of it,” said Jim Strickland, a retired Navy veteran and 19-year Carlsbad resident who has long admired the distinctive column.
We also agree with Susan Gutierrez.
“It’s an iconic, visible symbol of Carlsbad,” said Gutierrez, president of the Carlsbad Historical Society. . . “As a resident, when I see the power plant stack from anywhere on the coast, I know I am in Carlsbad, and home,” she said.
Exactly. Apparently, the issue will be discussed by the Historic Preservation Commission tonight. For all the details, please click the link.
[Link: SDUT]
I saw your smokestack in Carlsbad, Ca in past decades. I like it and that unique column, is a testimony of the hard work, of past generations, who labored, to bring power, to the people. Plus it is part of American architecture heritage, that should not disappear, for some things should be preserved. It also creates pride in a town/community, and it reminds people people of there roots, for without roots, a
tree/town/community will fall. Now, I am not saying, that the stack is the whole identity of the great city of Carlsbad, Ca, but it is a peg of many pegs that gives your town an identity, that adds to the whole big picture. Our smokestack in Carlsbad, Texas has been in place since the 1920s with a red light atop of it that can be seen from miles away at night. That is one symbol to me of our Carlsbad, that home is nearby, and I/we like that. Our stack is about 110 to 130 ft tall at the, San Angelo state supported living center mental hospital, in Carlsbad, and it Is a unique icon column here, with grooved in symbols going into the cement going around the top of our smokestack. I hope the Carlsbad ca smokestack stays put. Just had to put my 2 cents in.
Respectfully, Joel D, Carlsbad, Texas
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