Bush Lifts Executive Offshore Drilling Ban

by The Editors on July 14, 2008

Oil RigIn another shocking reminder of just how long these last six months of the Bush presidency are going to be, George W. today lifted the executive ban on offshore drilling.

With this action, the executive branch’s restrictions on this exploration have been cleared away. This means that the only thing standing between the American people and these vast oil resources is action from the U.S. Congress,” Mr. Bush told reporters at the White House.

The American people? How can anyone take this seriously. It’s not the American people who will benefit from the rape of America’s coastlines, it’s the Bush family and friends oil business. Luckily, lifting the executive order means nothing until congress agrees.

That didn’t stop US Representative Darrell Issa (R-Vista) from jumping onboard, in a statement released to the North County Times:

“This decision is a step in the right direction for American consumers and our economy, but a defeat for the environmental lobby that has spent tens of millions of dollars in Washington over the years to place our nation’s energy reserves off-limits,” Issa said in a written statement.

Note to the oblivious: the solution is not more drilling, the solution is less consumption. Is this really that difficult to understand?

[Link: Washington Times and North County Times]

Patrick July 14, 2008 at 9:17 pm

What’s the old adage about “Not fouling your own nest”? Apparently Darrell’s not aware of that one.

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