Holiday At The Rancho Gets Grinched

by The Editors on December 6, 2008


It was a perfect evening of holiday fun as the Carlsbad’s Leo Carrillo Ranch was magically transformed into Holiday at the Rancho tonight December 6, 2008 from 5-8 PM.

The evening featured crafts for the kids (Grinch masks and collars) with help from Miss Teen Carlsbad and her court, a bouncy bounce, soup in bread bowls and almost hot apple cider, a Christmas tree lighting by The Grinch himself, plus singing from the the Carlsbad Chamber Choir and music by the Carlsbad High School Chamber Orchestra.

The Grinch (who was as real as a Grinch could be) greeted everyone by the pool with a wicked smile and a furry lap. While at the other end of the ranch families enjoyed an outdoor showing of the Jim Carrey film, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Follow the jump for all the photos.
Click photos to see the full-sized!

The star of the show: The Grinch.

The Carlsbad Chamber Choir warming up in the parking lot.

A Carlsbad Teen Miss helps turn the kids of Carlsbadistan into Christmas stealing Grinches.

Holiday revelers on the prowl.

Who’s the Grinchiest Grinch we know. . . ?

Holiday lights by the pool. A peaceful reminder of how nice it was that we weren’t fighting Balboa Park’s December Nights crowds. Thanks, for a great evening, Carlsbad.

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