Any good Yoga student knows that while having a mat is important, bringing a towel along to mop up your sweat is essential. This Yogitoes Skidless Yoga Towel ($60) from Bodacious Living is the perfect gift for the Yoga affectionado. Available in a wide range of colors, the mat-sized towel has one sided coated with 100% silicone nubs to prevent slippage mid pose. Not to mention, the super-absorbant towel is the best way to put a hygienic layer between you and those non-washable loaner mats that smell like old jock straps.
Bodacious Living Anusara Yoga & Boutique, 300 Carlsbad Village Drive, Suite 205 (760) 720-YOGA
Previous Carlsbadistan Days of Christmas Gifts:
1. Organic Play Dough From Rock’n Sprouts
2. Foaming Bath From Chandler’s Boutique
3. Carrera Safari From Sunglass Lounge
4. The Signature Club from The Wine Spot
5. Cufflinks & Earrings From Mulloys Fine Jewelry
6. Harry Barker Tennis Balls and Teafco Collar From Dog Mania