Holiday At The Rancho 2009

by The Editors on December 5, 2009

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The Holiday at the Leo Carrillo Rancho, held Saturday December 5, 2009 seemed a little smaller and more subdued than last year, but that didn’t stop those who attended from kicking off the holiday season with smiles.

Kids frosted cookies and built crafts, while parents gathered on the faux lawn in front of the Rancho to listen as the Carlsbad High School Chamber Orchestra played classic Christmas songs.

Face painters transformed kids into fairies, sprites, and creatures of all kind. Christmas movies played in the barn, horse and carriage rides took visitors for a night ride through the Rancho, and in La CabaƱa down by the pool Miss Carlsbad and her court helped Santa meet and greet all the kids brave enough to sit on the old man’s knee.

Follow the jump for more scenes from Holiday at The Rancho 2009.
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Choices, choices, choices. . .

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We kind of wanted to kick back right here, but it wasn’t as warm and cozy as it looks.

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Christmas by the pool in Carlsbadistan.

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Santa’s helpers (L-R): Olivia (Miss Teen Carlsbad Princess), Maddy (Miss Teen Carlsbad), Lorraine (Miss California American Queen), and Miss Carlsbad herself, Chelsea helped put a smile on all the kids faces.

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The craft barn where kids could build their own ornaments.

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Face painting for the kids.

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The Carlsbad High School Chamber Orchestra played on the Rancho’s nice, new lower patio.

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After the blur of holiday activities it was hard to say good night to the Rancho. . .

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