Callaway Gives 1 Cent Quarterly Dividend

by The Editors on January 26, 2010

Callaway-LogoCarlsbadistan’s leading golf company Callaway Golf Co. “announced that its board of directors has declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.01 per share on its common stock” and named a new boardmember, according to a story on San Diego Daily Transcript.

Adebayo O. Ogunlesi has been appointed to the company’s board of directors. He will begin serving immediately and will stand for election for a full one-year term at the company’s 2010 annual meeting of shareholders in May. . . Ogunlesi, 56, is chairman and managing partner of Global Infrastructure Management LLC, a private equity firm with over $5 billion in assets and that invests worldwide in infrastructure assets in the energy, transport, and water and waste industry sectors.

We did the math. If you own 100,000 shares of the company, you’ll get $1000 dividend. Sweet.

[Link: SDDT]

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