Jake Brown: The Harder They Fall

by The Editors on August 8, 2007

Carlsbadistanian vert skater Jake Brown has had a full media schedule since falling 46 feet to flat during the X Games Big Air competition in Carson, California last week. In fact, from a media perspective nearly dying on live TV may be the best thing that ever happened to the 32-year-old Australian native. He’s been on Good Morning America, Today Show, and even Larry King.

Brown’s media requests since the fall have been virtually nonstop – MTV, Fuel TV and Australian television, to name a few. “It’s pretty wild, man,” Brown said. “I’m taking it in stride. I hope I’m doing skateboarding justice.” . . . Brown said he plans to resume skating in 2-3 weeks.

Jake, we’re just glad you’re okay.

[Link: San Diego Union Tribune]

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