Add this to the long list of things we didn’t know about Carlsbad City Councilperson Ann Kulchin: for the past 20 plus years Kulchin has served on the board of The San Diego Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies. Interesting no? The board, which controls a budget created by a $1 tax that is added to every San Diego County vehicle registration ($2.5 million a year), was created 1986 specifically to install and operate roadside call boxes.
Now that most everyone on the road has a cellphone the boxes don’t get much use anymore. This has left SD SAFE with quite a lot of money to spend on things that aren’t exactly roadside call boxes. And according to a story by SD City Beat writer Dave Maass, Ann Kulchin gets a pretty free hand in deciding where that money goes and there are some who don’t exactly agree with how the money is being spent.
Follow the link for a few concrete examples of how the good ol’ boy/girl network functions in San Diego County.
[Link: SD City Beat]