Carlsbadistan SWAT Getting New Ride

by The Editors on December 29, 2011


The Carlsbad Police Department is getting a brand new $249,000 Lenco BearCat for use by the SWAT team, you know, if and when things really escalate in our fair city by the sea, according to a story in the Coast News.

“The rescue vehicle will be funded through the Homeland Security Grant Program’s Urban Areas Security Initiative and State Homeland Security Program,” said Sasway, adding that a year ago the department learned of these available funds.

Phew. Thought for a minute that we were paying for it. The new rig should arrive by November 2012 just in time for the end of the world.

[Link: Coast News]

Andrew Benson December 29, 2011 at 10:29 pm

You “thought for a minute that we were paying for it.” Hey, I love free stuff as much as anyone else, but shouldn’t the people who benefit from this vehicle be the ones paying for it? Given the dire fiscal straits of the state and the federal government, this sort of allocation of public goods seems suspect. Look at is this way: Imagine if (some miniscule slice of) your tax dollars were paying for Escondido’s new SWAT car. Wouldn’t you be a little indignant?

This is essentially the problem of all pork barrel spending. It directly benefits one group, while distributing the costs on a group too large to notice.

Chris December 30, 2011 at 5:38 am

In my opinion it’s waaay overkill for the needs of our city. I bet spends more time on parade and PR duty than actual use by the SWAT team.

Andrew December 30, 2011 at 6:43 am

There was a similar news article recently about the police department in Farge, ND, which is using DHS funds to buy military grade weapons and essentially becoming a mini-militia.

All sorts of implications for how government polices a free society – do we want our police departments pointing assault rifles at us? Maybe it’s good to combat all the terrorists in carlsbadistan.

Bubba December 30, 2011 at 8:04 am

“Thought for a minute that we were paying for it.”

Must be nice being part of the 46% of Americans who pay no income tax.

Whammy! January 5, 2012 at 4:20 pm

@Andrew …better the local police than the feds.

Jay56480 April 26, 2012 at 4:16 pm

Damn hippies!! Who cares if it’s never used, now you know that your department is better prepared and equipped for incidents that are happening not to far away from you.

Jerry February 21, 2013 at 2:30 pm

After yesterday’s shooting of 2 Deputies just outsdie Carlsbad maybe some naysayers will see it a little differently given the major role Carlsbad’s SWAT Team and their vehicle played in evacuating nearby residents. Check with the PD. This vehicle is getting a lot of use in the north county

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