Inewsource has a great, in-depth story by Cody Dulaney about how San Diego County Police Departments are using the data they collect from license plate reading cameras illegally–including, but not limited to, our own Carlsbad Police Department.
inewsource found police in Carlsbad, Coronado, Escondido, La Mesa and Oceanside had been sharing location data collected in those jurisdictions with hundreds of other agencies across the country. Small police departments in states like Florida, New York, New Jersey and Illinois have been given access to information about drivers in San Diego County. State law says license plate data can only be shared with agencies in California.
To their credit it appears that the Carlsbad Police Department has changed several of their policies after being questioned about them. But still, if you care about how Carlsbad police are using technology to follow you around 24-7, then you really should read this report.
[Link: Inewsource]