Sea Lion Pup Snatched by SeaWorld

by The Editors on June 16, 2007

We’ve been seeing a few too many sea lions lately. The other day while surfing we saw a destressed looking sea lion floating vertically just outside the lineup with only his nose out of the water. The next day a dead one washed up on the beach. Then yesterday morning, June 15, a baby Sea Lion pup washed up on the beach at Cherry Street. It was alive and doing well. The life guards called SeaWorld and:

The SeaWorld team arrived about 10 a.m. and decided to take the animal to diagnose it, said lifeguard Matthew Clark. The team couldn’t diagnose it in the field and they didn’t want to leave it there because it was so young, he said.

Wonder what will happen to this pup? Hopefully, it won’t show any aptitude for entertaining huge throngs of toursits. If it does, it will be a long, hard road to freedom.

[Link: North County Times]

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