Carrying Guns In Carlsbad: The Video

by The Editors on September 9, 2009

For those who didn’t think these “open carry” gun guys were nutters the first time we mentioned them back in July 2009, just watch this video and you’ll see exactly what we were talking about.

We don’t even disagree with their point about the 2nd Amendment, but just from the looks on their faces we can tell these guys get off on strapping their “pieces” on and parading around the streets while smirking like exhibitionists with their flies open.

[Link: via @AskMrScreens]

Stan the Man September 9, 2009 at 4:12 pm

See how fun patriotism can be, kids? There’s nothing I enjoy better than taking time to scoff and rub the ignorant noses of gun-fearing ninnies into the sweaty, forgotten folds of my constitutional rights. One nation under God never feels as united as it does when I say unto my fellow neighbors and citizens to go fuck themselves and their laughable concern for the safety of this community.


sdsurfsnow September 9, 2009 at 6:59 pm

How is openly carrying a gun in any way threatening the safety of the community? Do you know anything about these people other then the “look on their faces” that you seem to be able to tell so much about their personalities from? Likely not. Also, for those that care, the Constitution is not forgotten, as much as people like yourself would like it to be.

Mike Stollenwerk September 9, 2009 at 10:50 pm

Open carry is legal in 42 states, and requires no permit in 26. Learn more at

d September 9, 2009 at 11:19 pm

….Carlsbad, a place where carrying a skateboard is considered more of a crime than carrying a gun, great job!

commonsense September 9, 2009 at 11:28 pm

Ask a cop. There is no such thing as an unloaded gun.

Ask yourself this question you second amendment fuckheads: If 25 “gangbangers” from compton came to the village by the sea and paraded around like these wingnuts would it be okay? Are Uzi’s okay as long as they’re not “loaded”? How would the Naked Cafe respond to that? Pose with them too? How do you respond to that Mike and sdsurfsnow? Are you ready for that show? And since we’re talking the constitution I guess you’ve answered the age old question. The first amendment allows me to yell “fire” in a crowded theater. What harm could come from that? Or are you trying to infringe on my first amendment rights? Speaking of which, I guess I can say whatever I like since obviously libel laws are a violation of the first amendment. I guess I’ll stand outside your place of business and make shit up and yell it about you until I drive all your customers and clients away. After all, that seems to be my constitutional right and what harm is there in that. I guess I can stand outside the Naked Cafe and tell everyone that they serve poison. I’ll yell it at the top of my lunges all morning long.

I. M. Fletcher September 10, 2009 at 5:56 am

Commonsense- You are a dumb arse.

First, far stretch to go from a handgun to a machine pistol/assault rifle.
Second, Uzi’s are banned in most states (unfortunately).
Third, “‘gangbangers’ from Compton”…come on. By definition alone they are scofflaws of the law…hardly comparing apples to apples or pinko commie liberals to pinko commie liberals.
Lastly, to call out “fire” in a crowded theater puts other people at harm…which in itself is not covered by the Constitution (Brandenburg v. Ohio).

-“I’ll have a Bloody Mary and a steak sandwich and… a steak sandwich, please. “

dh September 11, 2009 at 8:44 am

Oh Yeah, I feel so much safer knowing these morons are out there cruising Carlsbad.

Mike September 11, 2009 at 8:44 pm

I think these guys should do their trouble making in their own town. I’m all for people being proud of what they believe in but to me walking around looking to upset people is asinine.

Mario S. September 14, 2009 at 6:03 pm

“Do you know anything about these people other then the “look on their faces” that you seem to be able to tell so much about their personalities from?”

The fact they made a video and put it on youtube tells me enough about their personalities. I would love to exercise my first amendment right when if I ever see this sorta thing.

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