Free Horse-Drawn Carriage Mall Rides

by The Editors on December 3, 2009

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We know why The Forum Carlsbad has free horse-drawn carriage rides and it doesn’t bother us at all because we can visit a mall without buying anything and we often do. That said the Always and Forever Carriage Company will be offering free holiday carriage rides every Saturday and Sunday until Christmas at The Forum Carlsbad.

And, yes, the ride is through a crowded shopping mall, but it’s still fun and most importantly it’s free. While you’re there stop in and see the most real Santa Claus we’ve seen. Real beard, real old, real Santa Claus. He’s sitting next to the Christmas tree by Lululemon (11 AM to 4 PM Saturdays and Sundays until Christmas).

L December 3, 2009 at 6:52 am

We have seen this Santa you described about four years ago at the Forum and has been looking for him every year since. What days is he at the Forum? Thanks!

The Editors December 3, 2009 at 10:04 am

Santa will be at the Forum at Carlsbad Saturdays and Sundays until Christmas from approximately 11 AM to 4 PM. Some days more, some less.

The Editors.

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